Who we are


We are a vibrant multi-generational & multi-cultural church who loves God and loves seeing people meet Jesus for the first time! We believe that God’s greatest gift is a life changing experience of Jesus. While we have a rich history and have been a positive impact in Rostrevor for over 40 years, you will find that that our services are relevant and meaningful for today’s generation!

Our Mission


Loving God, Loving People, Seeing Lives Change

Our Values


We hold the following five values as most important to us. They express who we are and who we want to be. We hope you will encounter these values in our community as we continue to grow in our expression of them.
Jesus is the One we follow and the centre of who we are and what we do.
We make room for anyone to find their home here.
We are all invited to join God’s mission of making disciples and renewing the world.
We live out a spirit-led, adventurous faith trusting that God always has more for us.
In response to God’s goodness and grace, we live humble, grateful and generous lives.

What to expect when you arrive


We make every effort to create a welcoming experience for you. We hope you can come along and be able to relax!
Expect to find yourself amongst people who are just like you. Some of us are married, some single, some married again, some young, some old, some with children others without, some with jobs others unemployed. Whoever you are and what ever your circumstances you are welcome with us!
Expect someone to greet you at the door and say ‘G'day’. These people can assist you with any queries you have relating to the venue, finding seats, Children’s Church, the service or anything else.
Our welcomers at the front door can introduce you to the children's team, or please approach anyone in a blue t-shirt with a "Lighthouse Kids" logo for help. Kids from grade 3-6 start their program at 9:30am. Younger kids start in church and then get taken by their parents to their program a little later.

What to expect from our service


Expect an encouraging and inspiring experience. Expect the service to last between 1 hour to 1.5 hours.
Expect the bible to be read and prayers to be prayed. Expect people singing together and raising their hands in celebration much like you would see at the end of a footy match when the fans of the winning team sing their club song with enthusiasm. Expect to find our services both relevant and meaningful. We value music, media and the arts as key ways to communicate the timeless message of the Bible. Expect someone to speak for 20-25 minutes on the positive, transforming impact Jesus can have on your life.
We don’t expect you to give any money. Infact, as our guest you won’t even be asked! A free-will offering will be taken up during the service. Those who give do so because they know that God loves them and has given everything for them and they want to follow Jesus and see others in the community know more of the love of Jesus.

How to connect


We believe life is better in community and so there are plenty of great ways to connect with others at RBC. One of the best ways of making new friends is to join one of our Life Groups. A Life Group is a group of people that meet all over the East of Adelaide to build lasting friendship and grow spiritually. Whether you are new to RBC or call RBC home, we would love to help find the right Life Group for you. So please email our office at office@rbc.org.au and get connected today!

What we believe


We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. In the Bible we find the complete revelation of God's will for the salvation of people of all ages, and divine authority for the Christian faith and lifestyle.
We believe in One God, creator of all things, who is perfect and eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus is fully God and fully man, was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the cross as the atoning sacrifice of our sins. Further, He rose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven, and now sits at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and advocate.
We believe that all people are created in the image of God but have fallen into sin and are therefore lost in broken relationship with God. It is only through the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit that salvation and life with God can be obtained. The shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only grounds for justification & salvation.
We believe that, through the Holy Spirit, God glorifies His Son, Jesus Christ. That the Holy Spirit, Indwells, guides, instructs and empowers those who believe so that they might live Godly lives of service. Every believer should be continually filled with the Holy Spirit, thus being empowered to be witnesses to the truth of the Gospel.
We believe that there is one true Church universal, comprised of all those who have received God's grace in the person of Jesus Christ and that the local body of believers gathers for worship, prayer, teaching of the Word, fellowship, service, and the observance of Baptism and Communion.
We believe that believers baptism by immersion is the appropriate response to the grace of God in Jesus Christ and that all believers should be encouraged to be baptised in accordance with the call of Jesus.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers and maintain that every believer has been gifted and equipped by God for their role in the ministry and life of the church.
We believe that God leads and directs His Church through His people and seek to facilitate this through the exercise of congregational government.
We believe God, in His own way and in His own time, will bring about the renewal of all creation, setting the world to rights and establishing the new heavens and new earth. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth, the dead will be raised and Christ will judge all people in righteousness.

National Redress Scheme


Rostrevor Baptist Church has joined the National Redress Scheme as a member of Baptist Churches of South Australia. The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgement and support to people who experienced institutional child sex abuse and was created in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. More information about the participation of Baptist Churches of South Australia in the National Redress Scheme is available on the BCSA Website










9:30am (Rostrevor - English)
9:30am (Rostrevor - Korean)
9:30am RBC Online
10:30am (Broadview - English)
1:30pm (Chinese onsite and online)
2:00pm (English/traditional)
2:00pm 2nd week (African)
6:30pm 3rd week (Tamil)




Dan Beasy

Lead Pastor

Peter Beck

Director of Ministry Support

Natasha Pillay

Childrens and Families Pastor

Ben Rodgers

Worship Pastor

Michaela Millard

Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Gordon Liao

Chinese Pastor

Ellie Beasy

Enrich Life Pastor

Esther McInerney

Digital Communications / Ministry Apprentice

Bryan Hughes

Operations and Facilities Manager

Martina Matthew

Early Childhood Coordinator

Michelle Piombo

COACH Coordinator

Elliot Litchfield

Youth Pastor

Charity Mwangi

African Community Pastoral Leader

Sunny Kwak & Ben Nah

Korean Community Pastoral Leaders

Shawn Sobey

Video Editor

Andrew Foster

Broadview Campus Pastor

Rachael Foster

Community Engagement Pastor (Broadview Campus)

Bethany Pillay

Childrens Ministry Coordinator (Broadview Campus)





Dan Beasy

Lead Pastor

Inge Branson


Shelley Morgan


Susan Webb


Gary Johns


Carol Halfpenny


Margie Owade





Contact information


Address: 288 Montacute Rd Rostrevor SA 5073
Phone: +618 8336 1466
E-mail: office@rbc.org.au
Website: www.rbc.org.au